Kunal BhashkarML Model in Production: Real-world example of End-to-End ML Pipeline with TensorFlow Extended (TFX)…Google Cloud Platform (GCP), TensorFlow Extended (TFX), Cloud Build, Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, MLFlow, Vertex AI Pipeline, AI…Mar 29, 2022Mar 29, 2022
Kunal BhashkarMLOps on GCP — Understand basic ML Workflow Management up-to Production-ReadyMLOps, CI/CD Pipeline, GCP, Kubeflow, Kubernates, Jenkins, TFX, MLFlowOct 17, 20212Oct 17, 20212
Kunal Bhashkar“SparkTorch” A High-Performance Distributed Deep Learning Library: Step-by-Step Training of PyTorch…Distributed Computing, Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop Map Reduce, Apache Hadoop YARN, HDFS, SparkTorch, PyTorchAug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
Kunal BhashkarDistributed Unsupervised Deep Learning: Real-Time Financial Fraud detection using AI Pipeline for…Distributed Processing, Apache Spark, Spark DataFrame , Spark RDD, ML Pipeline, Task scheduling, BigDL, Analytic zoo, Model quantisation…Apr 26, 20211Apr 26, 20211
Kunal BhashkarDeep Learning OCR: Deep Learning Algorithm and Robotics Process Automation(RPA) to Extract and…Word Embedding, Bounding Box, Data Augmentation, Instance and Semantic Segmentation, YOLO, YOLOv2 and YOLOv3 , Darknet, R-CNN, Mask…Jun 28, 20203Jun 28, 20203
Kunal BhashkarFace Recognition: Real-Time Webcam Face Recognition System using Deep Learning Algorithm and…Tensorflow, Deep CNN, Working of Face Recognition, Multi-task learning networks, Joint alignment-representation networks,Variational…Apr 21, 20203Apr 21, 20203
Kunal BhashkarPytorch Tutorial from Basic to Advance Level: A NumPy replacement and Deep Learning Framework that…Basics of PyTorch, Tensors, Variable, CPU vs GPU, Computational Graph: Numpy vs Pytorch,Module,CUDA Tensors, Autograd ,Converting NumPy…Apr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020
Kunal BhashkarImage Classification API Creation using Tensorflow, Flask, MongoDBTensorflow, Deep Convolution Neural Network, Flask, Flask Restful API, Middleware, Decorators, URL Converters, Token-Based Authentication…Apr 5, 2019Apr 5, 2019
Kunal BhashkarSpelling Correction Using Deep Learning: How Bi-Directional LSTM with Attention Flow works in…Tensorflow, Sequence to Sequence Model, Bi-directional LSTM, Multi-Head Attention Decoder, Bahdanau Attention, Bi-directional RNN, Encoder…Feb 14, 20193Feb 14, 20193
Kunal BhashkarConversational AI Chatbot using Deep Learning: How Bi-directional LSTM, Machine Reading…keywords: NLU, NLG, Word Embedding, RNN, Bi-directional LSTM, Generative Adversarial Network, Machine Reading Comprehension, Transfer…Jan 13, 20196Jan 13, 20196